Projects achieve better outcomes when everyone working on projects understands the fundamentals of project completions and commissioning.

The problem is, there is typically only a handful of commissioning experts working on each project that understand the structured and organized process to plan and execute commissioning through all phases of the project. When less than 5% of the people working on projects actually know how to finish them during commissioning and startup, this is what leads to 9 out of 10 projects being late and over-budget.

To solve this, we need more people working on projects to understand what commissioning is all about. We need to get the right information in the hands of the right people working on projects.

To help more people understand commissioning, we’ve created this Fundamentals of Commissioning Course. Click below to see what’s inside the course and how it can help you and your project team.

Keep in mind, you can’t teach a kid to ride a bike at a seminar – he/she needs to get on a bike and get the bumps and bruises to learn how to actually ride a bike. This fundamentals course isn’t meant to make anyone a commissioning expert (that’s the role of the commissioning team) – this course is meant to show everyone else working on projects (project managers, design engineers, cost & schedule groups, construction leads, anyone new to commissioning) the following:

  • The importance of commissioning and how it benefits projects
  • The CSU Processes to follow and the CMS Software tools to use
  • How everyone’s role on projects contributes to the success of commissioning

Click below, enter your info, and you can evaluate how this information benefits you and your project team. I show you how in this brief overview:

Mini-Course – Better Project Completions

Project Professionals

Get Started With the Industrial Commissioning Association

Get access to:

  • ICA Global Commissioning Standard
  • Commissioning Document Templates
  • Lessons Learned Repository
  • CMS Software Case Studies & Reviews
  • Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced Commissioning Leadership Programs
  • Plus Much More!