I saw an interesting quote the other day:

  • Process and outcome are intimately related. You get both, or you get neither.

The quote I saw wasn’t in the context of commissioning, but it absolutely applies.

The outcome you achieve at the end of your project commissioning is intimately related to how well your commissioning process is defined. The problem is, most projects are not super process-driven. Project teams may generally have an idea about the sequence of commissioning:

  • Mechanical Completion, Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning, Startup, Performance Verification, Trial Operation, Handover

But there is a bit more to it than this.

When you have no process, then you won’t get the outcome you would like for commissioning, which means you won’t get the outcome you would like for your project.

If all you have for a framework for commissioning is the above sequence, with tracking in spreadsheets, then you don’t really have a process. Besides, you’re missing all the steps in the process that precede MC.

Without a process, you can be certain you won’t get the outcome you desire on your project (just like the quote says), which is why 9 out of 10 projects are late and over-budget.

Join our next live webinar to see what a fully-developed commissioning process looks like to achieve the project outcome you would like. You can get the Zoom link here.

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